Monday, March 10, 2014

San jose

My work desk

Dinner I made the other night (a good change from tuna salads and noodles!)

The basketball game from last Saturday

Terrible picture - a NOAA presentation at the tech innovation museum in San Jose.

This really intrigued me whenI found it in the museum.  Scientists have sent off probes into space with crpytic information about Earth and our species, the hope is that aliens will intercept the probe and will be able to understand the symbology and drawings of the presentation and will make contact with humans.  It was very eerie and strange how they summed up the human race in a 4 minute video.

A tsunami pod - in the event of a tsunami a person would climb into their pod and would bob to safety with rations of food hidden under the carpet.  It's a pretty cool invention in my opinion, and yes it was invented by the Japanese.

Downtown San Jose.  Its a really nice town and the weather was perfect for my visit.

Pretty random garden ornament 

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