Looking down Mt Fryffe road towards Kaikoura, good job we hitch hiked it would have taken all day to get there.
Looking up the Mt Fryffe road, just gives you an idea how long it is as it disappears into the distance
I still find it such a strange and somewhat frightening thought that for thousands upon thousands of miles in that direction there is barely anything. (Apart from small island nations e.g.Nauru and other island chains e.g. Polynesia and the Galapagos).
The pacific ocean is so so vast it is bigger than all of the land on earth combined covering over 46% of the earths surface! Almost half!
I took this while Gabriel was fishing. Kaikoura is such a beautiful place.
It's very surprising how quickly the weather can change around here though, literaly 5 minutes after I took this picture a storm blew in from the lower east coast. Ridiculously turbulent winds sent pebbles tumbling down the beach and fishermen packing.
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